"Sunrays gild the dust"
The Road to Cortine
by Sharon Auberle

"Marsh reeds and mud"
Dragonfly Days
by Sharon Auberle

"Language of silence"
by Sharon Auberle

"The blue notes of song"
by Candace Turner

"The memory possesses a lingering sweetness"
Afternoon Barbecue
Michael Keshigian

"If I say nothing, I am them"
La Primera y Soto
by Victoria Kraus

"The sound of ocean waves"
The Day Before Spring
by Kay Weeks

"Leaves in the moonlight"
By Charles P. Ries

"At the breakfast table"
Spelling the World
by Jeffry Jensen

"What ever happened to the naked ape"
by Holly Day

"He called her his own"
Grandfather Windsong
by Sharmagne Leland-St. John


As I Slept
by David Coyote

“Oh Grandpa did you see 'em?” asked the boy with shining eyes
A Day to Remember
by Michael Marks

What democracy means to some new york city kids.
A Video by Erica S. Hill

The third in the Narble series of cartoony stories
Narble Goes Fishing
by Sara Wadington

The Light of Fields
By: Michael Kriesel
 Review By: Charles P. Ries

This summer favourite goes down smoothe but packs a mighty wallop!
Long Island Iced Tea
from the bar of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

A different twist on burgers for your 4th of July picnic
Grilled Buffalo Burgers
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

"A Native American potlatch favourite"
Wenache Watermelon Ice
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

~~Sharmagne Leland-St. John~~

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