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Ginger Sorbet
From the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

2 cups sugar
2 tablespoons peeled ginger root,  minced
2 teaspoons lemon zest
1/3 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
4 cups water

In a heavy sauce-pan combine the sugar, ginger,
lemon zest, and water.  Bring to a boil,  stirring
frequently. Remaining at a boil cook for 10 minutes,
uncovered.  Cool then stir in the lemon juice.  Pour
the sorbet mixture into a shallow metal pan.   Cover
and freeze for approximately 6 hours or until almost
solid.  Break into chunks and put into a blender or
food processor and blend until smooth.  Place in a
large Zip Lock freezer bag and return to freezer until

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