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Raison d'Etre
by Lee Hubbard


You lit the fire in the fireplace
and spread the sage smoke around.
And I, not knowing what I was about,
mixed the sage with the warmth
of the fire and spread it between us
and over us.
You said it was cleansing,
and I think it was because the ennui
of the world flew out and disappeared
beyond the hawk who circled over our love making.
And, once again, you transported me,
and I transported you into that ecstatic
world which we live for and which is, in a way,
our raison d'etre.

Behind half closed eyes I lay quietly
and contentedly and lazily gazed
at the 6 x 8's high above our pallet.
I felt your soft breath on my shoulder, my cheek, and
the scent of your hair lay lightly in the air.
I remember the warmth and softness of you
arranged along the length of me,
and I smile now in contentment and know
what Happiness is.


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