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Bouquet Garni Seasoning    
from the kitchen of Sharmagne Leland-St. John

4 teaspoons  parsley flakes
4 teaspoons thyme leaves
4 teaspoons oregano leaves
2 teaspoons rosemary
2 teaspoons basil leaves
2 teaspoons marjoram leaves

In a small jar with a tight fitting lid combine all the
herbs; shake well.  Store in cool dry place. Shake again
beforeusing. Measure and crush slightly. Use 1/8 to 1/4
teaspoon for 4 servings. Can be used in stews, soups and
with meat, fish, poultry or vegetables.



Note:  I like to use sprigs of fresh herbs for my bouquet garni
bags for stock, but if you intend to store them they need to
be dried first.



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