Comment on this article

by Eddy Robey

People everywhere are saying that the world has changed because of the sad
events which took place on September 11th of 2001. Each time I hear this, it
makes me think about the ways in which some things are the same, and how some
messages must remain eternal.

There are many calling for justice in terms which bespeak their hurt and
anger. Justice is a complex topic for the people of the law. While there is
no doubt that punishment is demanded for criminals, it is also true that
every opportunity for compassion must be taken. It is disturbing to hear
anyone speak in a racist or irresponsible fashion.

What most concerns me is that our sprits and traditions must remain uppermost
in our minds. Last year, when I mailed my customary Rosh Hashana messages of
forgiveness, there were some who reproached me, saying that those thoughts
were inappropriate because of current events. The events of today come and
go. It is now time to turn our hearts to that which is without end.

At the new year, we are taught to train our thoughts on the principles of
Tefillah (Prayer), Tshuvah (Often translated as repentance, but more
accurately making amends, or a return to wholeness), and Tzedakah (Charity).

Just now, the media are full of stories about prayer and charity, in how
Americans are relating to one another. It is just as important for us to
think about how each of us are reconciled to our fellows.

Too often, when we do something hurtful to another, there is a tendency to
avoid a discussion of the issue. Sometimes there is a hastily mumbled
apology, after which we tell ourselves or others that, "I did all I could."

Did we? Did we ask the person who was harmed if there was anything which we
could do that would help them to feel better, a way for us to make amends? We
can never erase the past, but there may be some small act of caring which
will help their hearts feel whole again.

There is nothing new about unexpected, violent death. Indeed, it is incumbent
upon people of caring to live their lives as though that may happen at any
moment, to them or their loved ones. Although we may remember September 11th
of 2001, the lesson of today is both old and ageless, live each day with love.

Would you like to do good for the world during these troubled times? Meet
this challenge. Seek out someone you have hurt. Do not consider whether you
hurt them deliberately, or how long ago it may have been. Acknowledge their
pain, and ask if there is anything you can do to ease it.

As we celebrate the birthday of creation, let our spirits be reborn in the
courage to be loving.


When it is the custom to ask forgiveness from any we may have offended

It is a time to bring sweetness into our hearts, the season of forgiveness
and new beginnings.

During the last year, we have seen each other at our best and worst. Through
celebrations and mourning, we stood together, as companions and witnesses.

As we view our relationships, let us ask not if we were wrong, but only if we
have given offense. Perhaps our actions were reasonable and our intentions
good, but we have caused pain, however inadvertently.

Now is the hour for faith and a gentle spirit. Let go of the guilt and
grudges. Ask and grant the pardon we seek from G-d.

If I have harmed anyone, please forgive me. It is my prayer that we face our
New Year together in peace. May the words written of us in the book of life
be kind ones.

BlessYou All.



Eddy Robey M.A.
Author of  It's Not Just Chicken Soup      Like all
Jewish mothers, I feed everyone in sight, and have been at work in the
kitchen for over 20 years. Correspondence should be addressed to
<> and will be read as soon as the dishes are done. You can
find many of my recipes online at the  Gantseh Megillah . Please feel free
to forward this to anyone you think would enjoy it, as long as you include my

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