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River of Love
by Elena Secota

Each time I arrive at the shore I feel reassured
time stands still. Punctuated by bursts of joy
children's laughter through each wave
without borders
bubbles into rainbows at my feet
I am safe. Pulse levels.
I trust the shore. The shore welcomes everyone
moon mirrored in the glossy sand
ripples into an accordion waltz
like the steps that reached deep into my Transylvanian rocky mountain
fresh spring gushed out
fresh water for the weary traveler
I remember the exuberance of discovering water at its source
one step was all it took
little hands cupped. Thirst quenched at the very root.
we moved from the lonely house in the mountains
to the Black Sea, where the rest of our family lived
the river Danube became my chord
connecting birth to adolescence
and each time I made the day-long journey
from the mountains to the sea
my heart skipped a beat or two
steam locomotive nonchalantly crossed the Danube
hollowed tracks beneath…drumming the same song:
remember the source. Always remember the source.
Ta ta ta ta… Ta ta ta ta… Ta ta ta ta…
Life took me over continents and oceans
I know now that one never leaves home
as long as springs spring out of rocky mountains
and merrily bubble into brooks and rivers
as long as rivers flow into seas and oceans
we belong to each other
love flows.
Moon shimmers on glossy sand warmed by the gregarious sun
right at our feet
where joy is an endless river
river of love. Into ocean
without borders

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