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Eddy Robey's


APPLECAKES (Dairy or Pareve)
Two Cinnamon-Flavored Favorites for Father's Day

I'll be with you in Apple blossom time,

Don't sit under the Apple tree with anyone
else but me,

Let's hear it for Mom and Apple Pie,

We Americans sure love our Apples. However, if you are Jewish, it is more
likely that your Mom baked Apple Cake than Pie. All you need to do is mention
one to get a smiling response.

There are two very different sorts of classic Apple Cakes, and I'm going to
give you recipes for both. No, you won't get me to take sides in any
controversy about which one is better. In this respect, I shall follow my
Daddy's example. When offered a choice as to which sort he wanted, his
invariable answer was, Yes, and he'd have a slice of each.

Note: the best Apples to use for these cakes are Gravenstein or Granny Smith

Deluxe Apple Cake


4 cups diced, peeled cooking Apples
2/3 cup Raisins
2/3 cup finely chopped Pecans
1 tablespoon grated Lemon Peel
1 teaspoon Cinnamon or Cardamom
1 teaspoon Ginger
1 1/2 cups Self-Rising Flour
1/2 cup Butter or Margarine
2 eggs
1 cup Brown Sugar
1 tablespoon Vanilla Extract
1/2 cup Brandy


Grease and Flour a 9x13 inch rectangular baking pan. In a large mixing bowl,
toss together the Apples, Raisins, Pecans, and Lemon Peel. Spread the Apple
mixture evenly in the prepared pan. Cream together the Butter and Brown
Sugar. Beat in the Eggs, one at a time. Beat in the Vanilla and Spices. Add
the Self-Rising Flour and Brandy. Beat until smooth. Pour the Batter over the
Apple mixture in the pan. Poke at the batter a bit with the handle of a
wooden spoon to make sure that it seeps between the Apples. Do not stir. Bake
at 325 degrees for about 1-1/2 hours. Allow to cool 30 minutes before serving.

Copyright 2002 Eddy Robey

An Excerpt From It's Not Just Chicken Soup.

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