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Just for Tonight
by Michael Escoubas

Must this be
the summing up of life?
Have we missed the Mozart
symphony distracted by

the dust on the fan,
the spoiled food in the fridge,
the cobwebs in the corner?
Where are the golden apples?

Just for tonight
may we go back to our youth,
picking up the phone‐
the soft voice that spoke.

Just for tonight
may the smells of sirloin
steak and Zinfandel
linger lightly in the air.

Just for tonight
may we say,
"I love you deeply,
and I always will."

Just for tonight
may we listen for
the gift of bell-chimes
in a touch or glance.

Just for tonight
may we feel the rhythmic
rise and fall of each heart-beat
as we lay in bed.

Just for tonight
may the kiss we share
taste sweeter still‐one golden apple
in the dust mites on the sill.

May this be us
just for tonight?

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