Eve Triem (née Helen Eva Platnik), was born on November 2, 1902, in New York
City, and educated at the University of California at Berkeley. She and author Paul Ellsworth
Triem were married in 1924 and moved to Dubuque, Iowa, in 1936, the year in which, according to
an online biography of her, she began writing poetry in earnest. The couple later returned to
the West Coast.

Eve Triem was devoted to her husband of five decades and wrote poems to him throughout his
life. Some were published after he died in the collection Dark to Glow (1979). Eve Triem
authored seven books of poetry in all. She also wrote a critical study of the work of her
friend, poet e.e. cummings. Paul Ellsworth Triem died on April 14, 1976, in Seattle,
Washington. Son of a homeopathic physician and author of books on healing and the mind, he
lived to be ninety-four years old. Eve Triem followed him in death on December 26, 1992, in
Brookline, Massachusetts.

Sources: http://tellersofweirdtales.blogspot.com/2011/05/paul-ellsworth-triem-1882-1976.html