Comment on this article

by Quiet Seagull

I never saw you,
except in my dreams.

I never saw you sit quietly in Sunday Morning sunlight and watch over
our children on the Village Green.
I never saw you,
you, in your white cotton sun dress,
brilliant white in the Sunday Morning sunlight..

I never saw the ghost of that enigmatic smile
in the dark shadow of your broad-brimmed sun hat.

I never saw
shining black tresses
cascade over your tanned shoulders.
Nor did I see you sweetly hold a little chin
and brush away a tear and a hurt.

I never felt you warm against me
on a summer morning
breathing quiet sleep,
contented, knowing
I was yours, and
knowing you were mine,

I never saw you
I have only dreamed of you.

And, now, it is too late.





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